Monday, November 24, 2014

Russian Sanctions and Demography: Effect on Future Oil Exports

начинается с того, что торговать нефть РФ теперь будет не за баксы, а юанями, который имеет заметно меньшую ликвидность, то-есть, нефть становится дешевле даже без перемен в цене :)

демографичный импакт описат скуповатко:
The North American unconventional revolution has created a generational shift change as theindustry seeks to find and train new workers.
Russian oil and gas executives list lack of a skilled workforce as the second largest obstaclefacing the industry.
Unlike the United States, Russian does not appear to attract and train new workers into the industry. The recent economic sanctions are now causing younger Russian entrepreneurs to leave the country.
Russia enjoys a highly educated workforce but its working-age population is declining by a million people a year.
Current, and possibly growing, sanctions on the Russian economy, the currency effect of the Chinese pivot, and the decline in the Russian working age population may well reduce Russian crude oil exports in the long term.
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